最近海莉在作什麼呢? 讓我們來看看吧!

海莉官網 3/29由海莉親筆發佈的資訊. 最能代表海莉現在的動態.


29 Mar 2010 - Message from Hayley...

Hello folks,

I hope you're all fine and dandy. I'm back in the UK now after a wonderful 7 weeks with my family in New Zealand. The sun was shining, the festivities kept on rolling, the air was clear and I was reminded of just how magnificent my country really is. My family too. I cherished every moment of that holiday.

But London's not so bad either! The daffodils are in bloom and every now and then we get some sunshine! Hooray!

I'm currently working on a new album which is very, very exciting. It's also top secret! I haven't begun recording yet, but it won't be long now and I just can't wait. If all goes well I'll have a new international album out by the end of the year!

I have a few concerts and special events planned for the UK summer which I'll let you know about in due course, but for now it's album album album!!


If you'd like to hear from me a little more frequently you can follow me on that crazy phenomenon also known as 'twitter': http://www.twitter.com/hayleywestenra


Ciao, my friends!


Lots of love,

Hayley xxx


記得海莉從去年耶誕節就飛回紐西蘭的老家過年. 經過了7個星期在紐西蘭家鄉和家人的團聚, 期間參加了英國王子訪問紐西蘭所舉行的社交烤肉派對. 也辦了一場魅力冬戀的演唱. 聽說也有一些小型演唱的樣子, 不過海莉並未透露細節. 

而由海莉文中看來, 似乎她對自己家鄉紐西蘭新鮮的空氣, 雄偉的風景, 風土人情 和自己的家人感到十分自豪. 呵呵! 這七個禮拜難得的假期似乎讓他非常享受且珍惜哦!

讓我算一算, 假如真的剛好七個星期, 海莉其實大概在二月底就已經回到英國囉.

重點是, 海莉現在在英國沉伏, 正在進行一個非常非常神祕的新專輯計畫. 就筆者在推特(Twitter)上看到的情況 - 這是真的, 海莉在推特(Twitter)上也故作神祕了好幾天. 她自己也親口說, 她正在寫歌. 不過當眾家粉絲不論如何努力追問, 海莉就是不透露任何風聲. 打死不說!

而由這封訊息來看, 這張專輯似乎還在很初期的籌備階段, 連正式錄音都還沒開始呢. 雖然海莉很迫不急待, 但幾使一切順利, 似乎還是年底之前才有機會發行新專輯.

海莉最後提到, 她今年夏天計畫在英國會有一些演唱會和活動, 不過現在一切都還不明朗, 適當時機時會讓大家知道. 目前她主要還是專心致力於新的專輯上.


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