
大家對我們最愛的海莉妹妹, 一天的生活作息跟吃的食物有沒有感到很有興趣啊?
這幾天外各大海莉粉絲的粉絲頁都推了一段愛爾蘭媒體在今天所發佈的, 於2007年對海莉的一段專訪. 那段專訪, 詳細的描述了海莉妹妹一天的作息. 蠻有趣的說.
首先文章更新的日期在12月3日2007年, 那個時間海莉剛剛完成日本的亞洲巡迴演唱, 準備要繼續在英國跟愛爾蘭舉行演唱.

海莉似乎是很喜歡吃日本料理的. 文章開頭提到, 假如今天海莉沒有很強的慾望吃日本食物的話, 她會不斷的吃點心, 來維持在錄音室能夠長時間的工作.

早上 4:00am

海莉大部分起床的時間是早上 8:30am. 但今天因為剛坐飛機回來, 時差的關係, 4:00am 就起床囉!

一起床, 先喝了杯綠茶. 聽音樂為新專輯收集靈感.
之後, 在電腦收電子郵件的同時, 弄了一些鱷梨醬和vegemite(酵母醬)抹麵包當早餐.
海莉說道, 假如屋子裡面有麵包庫存的話, 她通常吃鱷梨醬和vegemite(酵母醬)抹麵包當早餐.
因為今天天氣比較冷, 所以她又弄了一杯海帶味增湯. 海莉認為, 大家可能會覺得她的早餐食物的選擇比較奇怪吧!
海莉有說道, 只要他的身體覺得餓, 不管是在一天的什麼時候, 她就會進食喲!

早上 9:30am

海莉又吃了一些罐頭鮪魚當點心. (天..真會吃!) 鮪魚上有加了些檸檬汁跟胡椒粉調味.
然後榨出半個小時的時間, 歌唱發音練習伴隨著一些瑜伽, 芭蕾伸展操.
隨著練習完畢後, 也吃完鮪魚罐頭點心, 來杯洋甘菊茶讓身心寧靜下來吧!

因為海莉常常出國不在家, 所以她的住處會庫存一些鮪魚或鮭魚罐頭, 以備當她在任何時間回到家的時候都可以取用.

早上 10:30am

沐浴洗個澡, 打扮一下, 吹乾頭髮然後開始聆聽預計今天下午要錄製對唱歌曲的demo錄音.

中午 12:40pm

通常海莉都搭倫敦的地鐵作為交通工具. (天哪! 好親民!)
但今天的天氣似乎蠻糟的, 所以今天改搭計程車到錄音室囉! 因為時間上來不及自己準備生菜沙拉, 所以今天的午餐是從馬莎百貨 (Marks and Spencer) 所購買的毛豆跟扁豆生菜沙拉餐!

到了錄音室, 兩種生菜沙拉海莉都各吃了一些, 並且喝了一杯加了檸檬跟蜂蜜的熱開水.

下午 3:30pm

錄音完畢, 也把剩下的生菜沙拉都吃完囉! 離開錄音室, 在到一位好友的家之前又喝了一些水!

下午 4:00pm

和這位好友閒聊, 一起看了DVD, 然後一起到了超市買晚餐要烹飪的原料喲! 今天晚上, 海莉的這位朋友要教海莉如何煮雞肉咖喱.

海莉最近在倫敦買了一層公寓, 然後終於有了自己的一個可愛小廚房. 所以她希望開始自己也弄一些東西啦!

晚上 7:30pm

吃晚餐囉, 開始吃自己煮的雞肉咖喱飯. 因為接下來的幾天沒有演唱會, 所以有點破例的海莉讓自己喝了杯小紅酒. 今天晚上的甜點是 brownie (果仁巧克力蛋糕)

一般而言, 海莉不太吃肉類, 也避免吃乳製品, 咖啡, 含咖啡因的茶. 不管任何時候, 會盡可能的吃有機的食物. (粉絲們注意囉, 下次別送錯海莉不愛吃的東西當禮物給海莉囉... XD )

海莉基本上是喜歡把零食(或副食)當正餐的人, 所以每次去錄音室時她會準備一些杏仁果, 或是水果, 然後就是當點心, 一次吃一點一次吃一點的囉.

晚上 9:00pm

離開好友的住處. 因為剛從日本的演唱會回來, 非常的累了, 今天想早點睡.

晚上 10:30pm

晚安, 在床上囉!


--- 原文如下 (文章連結於此)



When she's not craving Japanese food, snacks keep this opera singer going for long stints in the studio

I shower, dress and dry my hair before listening to the track that I'm scheduled to record as a duet this afternoon.


Most days I get up at about 8.30am, but because I'm suffering from jetlag I wake far earlier this morning.


I drink a cup of green tea as I listen to music in order to gather ideas for my new album. A little later, I have some avocado and vegemite as I check emails.

If there was some bread in the flat, I would have spread vegemite and mashed avocado on a slice.

It's very cold today, and I make a sachet of miso soup to which I add seaweed. My choice of food for breakfast probably seems unusual, but I always eat what my body craves -- regardless of the time of day.


I snack on some tinned tuna, to which I've added fresh lemon juice and cayenne pepper, then manage to squeeze in half an hour of vocal warm-ups along with some yoga poses and ballet stretches from my dancing days.

After my singing, I finish the tuna and have a cup of chamomile tea to calm me. Because I travel so often, I always keep tins of tuna and salmon in my flat so they're available regardless of when I come home.


I shower, dress and dry my hair before listening to the track that I'm scheduled to record as a duet this afternoon.




Normally I take the Tube around London, but the weather is pretty miserable and I decide to get a taxi to the studio. I haven't had time to make myself a salad for lunch so I pick up packets of lentil salad and edamame bean salad from Marks and Spencer.


When I get to the studio, I eat a little of each salad and drink a cup of hot water with honey and lemon.




The recording is done and I finish my salads and drink some water before going to a friend's house.



My friend and I have a chat, watch a DVD, then go to the supermarket to pick up ingredients for dinner. This evening she's teaching me how to prepare chicken curry.

I recently bought a flat in London and finally have a lovely kitchen, so I hope to start doing a lot of cooking.


We eat the curry with rice and I allow myself a glass of red wine because I have no concerts over the coming days. Dessert is a brownie.

Generally, I don't usually eat much meat and avoid dairy products, coffee and caffeinated tea. Whenever possible, I try to eat organic food.

I'm a grazer and well known for my snacking. I always carry a packet of almonds or some fruit with me and will regularly have a nibble when I'm at the recording studio.


I leave my friend's because I am quite tired after my trip to Japan and want to get to bed early. I am someone who needs at least eight hours of sleep.


I'm in bed.

Hayley Westenra's Christmas concert with the RTE Concert Orchestra takes place tomorrow, in association with BT, in the National Concert Hall




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