
3/18日, 紐西蘭國內為發生在 2/22日 的紐西蘭基督城大地震舉行了一次盛大的十萬人的追悼會. 在這次追悼會中, 除了英國王子發表演說外, 紐西蘭的國寶, 基督城的女兒 海莉 Hayley Westenra 小姐也應邀演唱深具意義的 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace. (跟 河水湍湍 Pokarekare Ana)

底下是人間社記者的中文實況報導, 為了怕連結失效, 原文照錄.

【南島地震】追悼基督城222大地震 十萬民眾連心【人間社記者 心昇 基督城報導】


為追悼222在紐西蘭基督城地震中傷亡的大眾,由基督城市政府和基督教大教堂聯合主辦的全國追悼會於3月18日中午在海格利公園舉行。出席貴賓有紐西蘭總理Hon John Key、英國威廉王子代表祖母英女皇伊莉莎白二世、毛利族Ngai Tahu長老、紐西蘭總督Sir Anand Satyanand、紐西蘭反對黨領袖Hon Phil Goff、能源部及地震重建部長Hon Gerry Brownlee、澳洲總理Hon Julia Gillard、澳洲反對黨領袖Hon Tobby Abbott、基督城市長Bob Parker以及各宗教代表。佛教由紐西蘭佛光山住持滿信法師代表、基督教由大主教Dean Peter Beck代表、回教由Mr Ibrahim Abdulhalim代表、興都教由Surinder Tandon代表。 
  現場民眾自上午8時就開始進場,紐西蘭佛光人20餘位在監寺覺西法師帶領下,10時從道場出發,步行30分鐘抵達海格利公園參加追悼會,直至中午節目開始,總共十萬餘民眾湧入現場。追思會首先由紐西蘭著名歌手Hayley Westenra及樂手為所有的來賓及大衆演奏動人的音樂,讓不少大衆深受感動。隨著紐西蘭救援隊、消防員、警員等相續進場,全場十萬大眾起立鼓掌,致上最高的敬意。 
  主持人基督城市長Bob Parker及基督教大主教Dean Peter Beck為現場大衆介紹長達14分鐘的影片,播放受災最嚴重的市中心建築毀壞情況。因為地震之後市中心一直被嚴格管制,大多數的居民並未目睹實際的災情,嚴重破壞的街道和面目全非的建築,讓現場大眾陷入無聲的悲慟。 
  追悼會由毛利族Ngai Tahu長老為大衆祈福祝禱並致詞。現場貴賓也一一致詞表達對災情的沉痛及對家園重建的希望。基督教大主教Dean Peter Beck帶領現場大衆默哀兩分鐘,現場祥和寧靜。市長Bob Parker感謝出席的大衆,鼓勵大家相互支持、堅強的走下去。 
  紐西蘭總督Sir Anand Satyanand致詞後,英國威廉王子代表英女皇發言,對罹難者表示追悼對生還者給予祝福,並引用英女皇曾說過的話一句話:「悲傷是愛的代價」來勉勵大眾。他在巡視災區的時候聽到很多動人和勇敢的真實故事,讓他對基督城升起敬仰。王子也對日本大地震表示最深切的哀悼和悲傷。紐西蘭總理John Key ,反對黨領袖Hon Phil Goff也先後致詞。總理John Key致詞時,帶給民眾的鼓勵及未來重建的方向,讓與會大眾有力量能夠調適悲痛,並充滿著希望。 




基督城追思會 威廉王子籲堅強




這裡有一篇英文報導超級詳細的, 原文照錄如下




10.12am: Prince William’s arrival in Sumner has been delayed. A middle-aged woman has fainted in the crowd that is lining the streets and is being treated by a doctor.
10.30am: Prince William has arrived in Sumner and is now talking to local city councillors and the MP. The crowd erupted in clapping when he arrived.
10.50am: Prince William is now talking to locals and shaking hands. He posed with one little girl – Maih Grey, 9 – and while her mum was taking the picture he jokingly hurried her up.
11.02am: A local invited Prince William for a surf, to which he responded that he’d “love to”.
11.08am: Security have moved in as the excited crowd swarms around Prince William. Police are trying to keep people back but the prince is calm.
11.15am: Prince William has left Sumner, to cheers from residents. Local MP Ruth Dyson said she was delighted with the visit: “I’m so proud of Sumner”.
11.20am Families of those who died in last month’s Christchurch earthquake have begun arriving at Hagley Park for today’s memorial service.New Zealanders will also be turning their thoughts to Christchurch today, with events taking place in Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton and Dunedin (see bottom of this article for details).
11.45am A memorial service will be held in Dublin this weekend to pay tribute to those killed in the Christchurch earthquake.Relatives of Eoin McKenna and John Joe O’Connor, both Irishmen killed in the magnitude 6.3 quake, will attend. 
11.59am: Prince William has thanked Christchurch’s student army for a “fantastic job”.
12.05pm: Thousands of people at Christchurch quake memorial are told what to do in case of emergency.
12.10pm: A lone piper plays a lament for victims of the Christchurch earthquake at memorial.
12.23pm: Crowd goes eerily quiet as video from day of quake is played at memorial.
12.31pm: Prince William officially arrives at memorial service to ovation from crowd.
12.32pm: Prince William is given korowai to wear at Christchurch memorial service
12.33pm: A Maori warrior has opened the memorial service by blowing on a conch shell.
12.36pm: Ngai Tahu elder Henare Rakiihia opens service with prayer and welcome, known as a Mihi Whakatau.
12.37pm: Ngai Tahu elder Henare Rakiihia says we submit our prayers and gather as one from across the world.
12.43pm: Ngai Tahu elder Henare Rakiihia talks of a proud nation’s history and Christchurch’s wider family.
12.44pm: Ngai Tahu elder Henare Rakiihia has offered a special welcome to Prince William.
12.45pm: The British national anthem, God Save the Queen, is played as thousands of people stand
12.47pm: Reverend Peter Beck says Canterbury people have a wonderful spirit which has shown through.
12.49pm Peter Beck, the Dean of Christchurch Cathedral, says one of the most important things about the service is everyone gathering together.

12.50pm:Reverend Peter Beck says memorial is another step on the journey to rebuilding lives and the city. 
12.51pm Peter Beck has invited the crowd to stand for two minutes’ silence.
12.53pm The two minutes silence has now ended.
12.59pm “Why did it have to be here?” Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker asks. “How do we go on as a city? How do we find a way to make sense of this thing?”
1.03pm “As a city we have to find a way take this weight and find a way to go forward,” Mr Parker says.”It seems to me those lives that have been lost have to be given real meaning as we go forward.” 
1.05pm Prince William has passed on his condolences from the royal family. “My grandmother once said grief is the price you pay for love.”
1.07pm Prince William says the determination of Cantabrians is known around the world.”You are an inspiration to all people. I count myself enormously privileged to be here to tell you that. 
1.10pm Governor General Anand Satyanand has read a passage from Roman philosopher Seneca. “Though we grieve the deaths of our loved ones, we accept them and hold on to their memories as precious gifts.”
1.12pm Prime Minister John Key on the strength of the February 22 quake that devastated Christchurch: “It has left scars that will never be erased from our land and our hearts.”
1.18pm The Prime Minister has paid tribute to the way the country pulled together to support Canterbury.”Today I want to talk not only of loss but also of hope,” he said. 
1.30pm Leader of the Opposition Phil Goff said at the time of the quake, 12.51pm February 22, “Christchurch and the people who live there were changed forever”.”For all those here, we will never forget that experience.” 
1.34pm USAR task force deputy leader Ralph Moore has read Psalm 24 from the Bible. Dame Malvina Major is now singing You’ll Never Walk Alone.
1.40pm A flame on the stage, symbolising the presence of God, has been lit by theStudent Volunteer Army’s organiser Sam Johnson and Patsy Te Are. Dame Malvina 
1.44pm The Salvation Army’s Major Clive Nicholson is now praying for Christchurch. Victoria Matthews, the Anglican Bishop of Christchurch, earlier prayed for Japan before delivering the Lord’s Prayer.
1.46pm Christchurch singer Hayley Westenra is now singing Amazing Grace.
1.51pm A Buddhist prayer is underway for both the victims and survivors of the Christchurch and Japan disasters.
1.52pm A Muslim prayer is now being given.
1.57pm Now a Jewish prayer, one that is given following the death of Jews, is being read – not just for the three Jewish victims of the quake but for all the victims. It is partly Hebrew and Aramaic.
1.58pm Onto a Christian prayer, in both Te Reo and English.
2pm A Hindu prayer is now being given, sung in Sanskrit.
2.02pm Two prayers from the Baha’i community have now been read, one in English, the other in Te Reo Maori.
2.04pm Dame Malvina Major and Patrick Manning are now singing Pie Jesu.
2.09pm Anglican Bishop Victoria Matthews said on February 22 everyone woke up as though it was any other day. “Right up until 12.51 when the earth moved under our feet and our world fell apart.”
2.12pm “February 22 will be a day remembered in Christchurch history and you the living will tell the story of where you were when it happened at 12.51,” Anglican Bishop Victoria Matthews says.”But that is not the only story you will tell … [you] will also have the opportunity to tell the story of what came after the tragedy of February 22.
2.18pm Now is the Blessing of Congregation from a gathering of leaders. 
2.20pm The Choir of the Christchurch Cathedral has just finished singing.Images of the rescue workers are now being shown on the large screens at Hagley Park, to appreciative applause. 
2.25pm The New Zealand national anthem, God Defend New Zealand is now being sung, first in Te Reo Maori, then in English.
2.29pm The dignitaries are now leaving the stage to present flowers at the foot of the brazier holding the torch. Prince William has made his way over to the crowd to meet the families who lost loved ones.
2.33pm “Rise up Christchurch”, reads a banner flown behind a plane over Hagley Park.
2.36pm Hayley Westenra is now giving a rendition of Pokarekare Ana on stage.
2.38pm The crowd is applauding Hayley Westenra’s performance, some calling for an encore. Dave Dobbyn has now taken the stage and is now performing Welcome Home.
2.49pm Op Shop frontman Jason Kerrison is now performing.
3pm Prince William has planted an English beech tree in a part of Hagley Park near the Avon River, where a lot of trees were uprooted in the earthquake.He is receiving almost rockstar-like treatment from a large group of people. The Prince has been shaking hands and speaking with them. 
3.10pm Christchurch woman Maureen Dixon, 64, says the service was “wonderfully inspiring”.”It gave us all the hope and inspiration that we needed to get going again. 

After planting the tree, Prince William was presented with a carving made from a tree that fell in the quake, along with some rubble from the quake and feathers from a hawk.


其他英文報導(or blog)連結於此

Christchurch earthquake memorial: 'Grief the price we pay for love'

Kia Kaha Christchurch



底下為於下午1:46分, 海莉演唱 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace, 紐西蘭媒體 TVNZ 的實況報導


海莉演唱奇異恩典 Amazing Grace 的版本跟機會何其之多, 但這次無疑是最悲傷的一個版本. 注意聆聽, 可以發現海莉投注了強烈的悲傷於演唱之中.

影片中只見一位楚楚動人, 我見猶憐的美麗女子, 正嬌弱卻堅定的緩緩借著歌曲, 緩緩訴說這一切的悲傷. 周遭所有的人緩緩的被這悲傷的氛圍沉浸其中, 而她的聲音卻是又如此的讓人感到十分的安慰鎮定, 彷彿如歌詞所訴說般, 雖然歷盡所有的困苦, 遭遇所有的絕境, 但希望就在眼前, 大家必能安然渡過所有的困苦, 重獲新生...

不免讚嘆, 前面人間社記者報導所描述的, 海莉的這次演唱真是感動人心啊!


上面的影片前面有段簡單的專訪海莉, 下面這段是單獨抽出海莉 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace 這段表演的影片, 在沒有其它干擾下, 如此的清唱更顯露出動人的情緒投射!


下面這段影片為當時台下的聽眾所拍攝的影片, 給大家參考



底下為於下午2:36分, 海莉演唱 河水湍湍 Pokarekare Ana, 紐西蘭媒體 TVNZ 的實況報導

這段TVNZ的影片中, 雖然是現場演唱但海莉並沒有露臉. 取而代之的是處處殘破, 駭人的基督城大地震後的影像.

影像顯示出讓人印像深刻的巨大力量, 配上海莉驚人直叩心弦的聲音. 讓人忍不住心頭觸動, 感動不已而涔然淚下.

海莉啊海莉! 為什麼同樣一首歌, 竟是在不同時間地點, 就能給人截然不同的感動!

真是謝謝妳, 努力的帶來這一切給大家!



很幸運的, 海莉演唱 河水湍湍 Pokarekare Ana 的這段, 有台下觀眾忠實的拍攝下來如下, 給大家參考



下面是舉行追悼會前, 媒體 TVNZ 對海莉的專訪

還有這次趁海莉回國, HWI 在紐西蘭的人員有趁機訪問了一下海莉, 海莉留了一些訊息給HWI的粉絲們, 感謝大家對她的支持.


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